I can't believe it's almost two years since I last updated this blog. Lots of things have happened , good and bad I had them... but I'm grateful for I've learned a lot from it. I have been in a hiatus for a long time on my social media accounts, my Etsy Shop is empty and I can't find myself being creative and inspired anymore. I have my life and health issues to deal with and it adds up to the current clouded path of mine. . . but... I'd like to get out of this limbo that I'm in right now so I started playing with my girls first... finding the little girl in me...trying to feel the excitement and the happiness I felt the first time I had them. Brushing and styling their hair, changing their outfits, and I felt better inside...
I hope that this " feel good" I'm feeling right now will help me to start over... to do the things that I LOVE, to feel motivated and just be happy;)
Here's my girl ANNE wearing the dress I made before my hiatus. It will be listed on my shop when I get to sewing again, wish me luck=)
hugs and kisses to you all!